Occurrence of potato virus Y(N) in seed potato in Mauritius
Code (CO)MSI99P2400
Author (AU)Saumtally, S.
Ganoo, S.
Médan, H.
Mawlah, N.
Title - English (ET)Occurrence of potato virus Y(N) in seed potato in Mauritius
Thesis-Parent title (TH)African Potato Association (APA), Proceedings of the 4th Triennial Congress of the African Potato Association, Pretoria, South African, 23-28 February 1997
Document Type(DT)Book chapter
Date of publication (DP)1997
Source (SO)p. 338-344
ISBN (BN)1-84869-086-6
Publisher (PB)Pretoria, Agricultural Research Council
Language of text (LT)En
Language of summaries (LS)En
Abstract (AB)Except in the late 1970's, potato virus Y incidence in seed potato fields was insignificant. However, as from 1992, an upsurge of the virus was noted in variety Famosa which was being phased out. The level of infection was even higher in 1993 and caused the rejection of 20 tonnes of Spunta seed. Despite attempts to control the disease, an outbreak occurred in 1994 and 418 tonnes of seed of varieties Spunta and Mondial were rejected. ELISA tests carried out during that year polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies revealed the presence of two strains of PNY(N) and PNY (o). PNY (N) strain was a new record in Mauritius as only PNY(O) was known to occur. Analysis of infected seed lots showed that PNY(N) was responsible for 74 per cent of PVY infection. The symptoms induced by the new strain on potato was a mild mosaic and necrotic symptoms were not observed. Subsequent studies have shown that PNY(N) was present in ware potato, chilli, pepper and tomato. It is possible that the origin of the outbreak was from those hosts and the mild symptoms induced by the strain have contributed to render infected plants inconspicuous and thus escaped roguing. Coating to recognize the symptoms, systematic roguing, insecticide applications and isolation of seed fields have proved effective in bringing down the incidence of the virus.
Descriptors - English (DE)POTATOES
Descriptors - Geographic (DG)MAURITIUS
Sort Key 1(K1)Potatoes
Sort Key 2 (K2)Diseases and disease management
Date record entered (DA)1997-04-17
Language of analysis (LA)En
Location (LO)FC