On the Mauritian origin of Badula ovalifolia (Myrsinaceae), hitherto believed extinct, with complementary description
Code (CO)MSI09P4325
Author (AU)Florens, F. B. V.
Baider, C.
Bosser, J.
Title - English (ET)On the Mauritian origin of Badula ovalifolia (Myrsinaceae), hitherto believed extinct, with complementary description
Document Type(DT)periodical article
Date of publication (DP)2008
Series (SE)Kew Bull.
ISSN (SN)0075-5974
Source (SO)63 (3): 481-483
Language of text (LT)En
Language of summaries (LS)En
Abstract (AB)The origin of Badula ovalifolia A. DC. (Myrsinaceae) is discussed and, on the evidence of recently collected specimens, we conclude that it is endemic to Mauritius and not to Reunion as previously recorded. The first description of the whole tree, fruit and seed and habitat and ecology are given. Conservation status is assessed using the IUCN Red List Criteria with suggestions for a species recovery programme.
Descriptors - English (DE)Badula
Descriptors - Geographic (DG)Mascarenes
Sort Key 1(K1)Flora
Date record entered (DA)2009-01-07
Language of analysis (LA)En
Location (LO)HERB
Processing status (PS)CAT
Number of copies (NC)1