Conservation of sugar cane residues by incorporation into soil using flail disc harrows in Mauritius after green cane mechanized chopper harvesting
Code (CO)MSI09P4338
Author (AU)Rivière, V.
Claite, G. C.
Jacquin, E.
Title - English (ET)Conservation of sugar cane residues by incorporation into soil using flail disc harrows in Mauritius after green cane mechanized chopper harvesting
Thesis-Parent title (TH)2009 ISSCT Agricultural Engineering Workshop: Sugarcane mechanization for profitability and sustainability under environmental conservation, March 3-5, Kasetsart University Kamphaeng Saen Campus, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. [Program and Abstracts]
Document Type(DT)book chapter
Date of publication (DP)2009
Source (SO)p. 1
ISBN (BN)978-974-660-127-6
Publisher (PB)Nakhon Pathom, Thailand, Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen Campus
Language of text (LT)En
Language of summaries (LS)En
Abstract (AB)Conventional disc harrows cannot work efficiently in presence of the thick trash blanket remaining after green cane harvesting with a chopper harvester. In this context, the usual practice in Mauritius is either to burn the trash or to cart it away before tillage operations for replantation. Burning causes environmental concerns with the emission of particulate matter being deposited in residential areas or tourist resorts. Carting away of the crop residues involves an additional cost of about MUR 5000/ha (160 USD) in the production system. With the availability of flail disc harrows (810 - 900 mm O), it is now possible to incorporate crop residues. Two trials were initiated at Beau Champ and Mon Désert Alma to compare trash incorporation using flail disc harrows with trash burning followed by passes of standard disc harrows. Cumulated cane yields for plant cane and 4 ratoons show a yield advantage of 21 t/ha at Beau Champ while at Mon Désert Alma cumulated yields over plant cane and 2 ratoons were comparable for both treatments. Apart from the added advantage of increasing the organic matter content in the soil and though it may not always improve yield, trash incorporation is strongly advocated as it not only improves soil quality, but it is cheaper than the standard method and is non-polluting.
Descriptors - English (DE)trash blanket
trash incorporation
trash managaement
trash blanketing
organic matter
Descriptors - Geographic (DG)Mauritius
Sort Key 1(K1)Sugarcane: Cultural operations
Sort Key 2 (K2)Trash blanketing
Date record entered (DA)2009-03-10
Language of analysis (LA)En
Location (LO)MECHAN
Processing status (PS)CAT