Fungicidal control of early blight of potato caused by Alternaria solani Sor.
Code (CO)MSI99P2069
Author (AU)Ferré, P.
Saumtally, S.
Autrey, L. J. C.
Title - English (ET)Fungicidal control of early blight of potato caused by Alternaria solani Sor.
Meeting (MT)Conference of the African Potato Association, Tunis, TU, 8-14 May 1994, 1994-05-08
Document Type(DT)Conference paper
Date of publication (DP)1995
Language of text (LT)En
Language of summaries (LS)En
Abstract (AB)Early blight of potato, caused by Alternaria solani Sor. is an important disease in Mauritius especially in plantations established in late winter when cool and humid conditions alternating with warm and dry ones favour the disease. The standard chemical treatment consisted of weekly sprays of fungicide Rovral 250 FLO (iprodione) at 2 L/ha. The disease could not effectively be controlled under high inoculum pressure and in 1993, two new fungicides were compared to Rovral in a trial established in August with variety Spunta. Treatments, apart from insecticidal ones, were started seven weeks after planting at the onset of infection. A scale of 0 to 8 was used for assessment and infection reached a rating of 7 (75-90 percent blighting) in the untreated plots. Early blight was effectively controlled by the fungicide Folicur 250 EC (tebuconazole) at 1.0 L/ha and Score 250 EC (difenoconazole) at 0.25 L/ha and 0.35 L/ha on weekly applications. In these treatments, the level of blight was less than 1 per cent (rating 1). At other dosages and spraying schedules appreciable control was obtained with these fungicides and 1-5 per cent blighting (rating 2) was recorded compared to 25-50 per cent blighting (rating 5) with Rovral when applied weekly. Owing to heavy leaf miner (Liriomyza huidobrensis) infestation, no significant yield differences could be obtained between unsprayed and treated plots.
Descriptors - English (DE)POTATOES
Descriptors - Geographic (DG)MAURITIUS
Sort Key 1(K1)Potatoes
Sort Key 2 (K2)Diseases and disease management
Date record entered (DA)1996-03-07
Language of analysis (LA)En
Location (LO)LIB (photocopy)
Processing status (PS)CAT