Gaseous nitrogen losses from soils under sugar cane in Mauritius
Code (CO)MSI02P3738
Author (AU)Paul, J. P.
Bholah, A. M.
Ng Kee Kwong, K. F.
Title - French (FT)(Les pertes d'azote gazeuses des terres sous culture de la canne à sucre à Maurice)
Title - English (ET)Gaseous nitrogen losses from soils under sugar cane in Mauritius
Document Type(DT)Periodical article
Date of publication (DP)2001/02
Series (SE)Revue agric. sucr. Ile Maurice
Source (SO)80(3)/81(1-3): 185-192
Notes (NO)Published 2003
Language of text (LT)En
Language of summaries (LS)En
Abstract (AB)Oxides of N and molecular N2 emissions from soil have been postulated to account for a significant proportion of the undefined 40 percent loss of N applied to sugar cane in Mauritius. As the impact of the N oxides (NO2, NO & N2O) on the troposphere and stratosphere, and their subsequent deposition in terrestrial ecosystems are of concern, these N leaks were assayed in N-fertilized and unfertilized cane fields over one to three cropping seasons using the soil cover chamber technique. Nitric oxide and NO2 were assayed by chemiluminescence, N2O by gas chromatography using an electron capture detector, while gaseous N2 was determined by in situ acetylene inhibition as N2O. Apart from NO2, all other the forms of gaseous N were detected and their emission was enhanced by N-fertilization. Observable NO fluxes occurred predominantly during the first two months after fertilization, whereas emission of N2O and N2 were intermittent over the crop season, depending essentially on soil moisture. The cumulative annual N loss maxima were 17.5, 1.5 and 0.3 kg ha-1 as N2, N2O and NO respectively, indicating the predominance of denitrification. The relatively low amounts of N recovered also indicated the existence of other pathways of N loss. The greenhouse emission factor resulting from
Descriptors - English (DE)SUGARCANE
plant nutrition
nitrogen fertilization
nitrous oxides
nitrogen loss
Descriptors - Geographic (DG)MAURITIUS
Sort Key 1(K1)Sugarcane
Sort Key 2 (K2)plant nutrition
Date record entered (DA)2002-10-04
Language of analysis (LA)En
Affiliation (AF)Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute
Location (LO)LIB
Processing status (PS)CAT