Estimation of sugar loss due to infestation by the stem borer, Chilo sacchariphagus, in Mauritius
Code (CO)MSI99P0154
Author (AU)Rajabalee, A.
Lim Shin Chong, L. C. Y.
Ganeshan, S.
Title - English (ET)Estimation of sugar loss due to infestation by the stem borer, Chilo sacchariphagus, in Mauritius
Document Type(DT)Periodical article
Date of publication (DP)1990
Series (SE)Proc. S. Afr. Sug. Technol. Assoc.
Source (SO)64: 120-123
Language of text (LT)En
Language of summaries (LS)En
Abstract (AB)To justify the cost effectiveness of sex pheromones for the control of the stem borer Chilo sacchariphagus Bojer in sugarcane, the relationship between the per cent internodes bored and the various yield parameters, i.e. pol per cent cane, purity, fibre per cent cane, industrial recoverable sugar per cent cane (IRSC) and weight had to be determined. Analyses were made on cane samples, with varying degrees of infestation, in each of the four climatic regions of Mauritius. Simple regression analyses were carried out between each of the yield components and the per cent internodes bored. Multiple regressions for loss in relation to degree of stem borer infestation and climatic regions were obtained for the per cent mass, IRSC and sugar loss. The multiple correlation coefficients were 0,95, 0,94 and 0,96 respectively.
Descriptors - English (DE)SUGARCANE
Descriptors - Geographic (DG)MAURITIUS
Sort Key 1(K1)Sugarcane: Pests, pest control and management
Sort Key 2 (K2)Insect pests: Chilo sacchariphagus
Date record entered (DA)1992-02-11
Language of analysis (LA)En
Affiliation (AF)Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute
Location (LO)LIB
Processing status (PS)CAT
Number of copies (NC)1