Crossing programmes: a world-wide survey
Code (CO)MSI99P3064
Author (AU)Ramdoyal, K.
Badaloo, G.
Goburdhun, P.
Domaingue, R.
Title - English (ET)Crossing programmes: a world-wide survey
Thesis-Parent title (TH)Abstracts - 4th ISSCT Breeding and Germplasm Workshop: efficiency of sugr cane breeding, 18-22 May 1988, Hotel Coralia Mont Choisy, Mauritius
Document Type(DT)Book chapter
Date of publication (DP)1998
Source (SO)p. 35
Publisher (PB)Réduit: Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute
Notes (NO)Poster. Abstract only
Language of text (LT)En
Language of summaries (LS)En
Abstract (AB)A survey was conducted world-wide to obtain comparative information on crossing programmes of countries actively engaged in the production of sugar cane varieties. A questionnaire was addressed to each country concerned and the information requested included location of the breeding station, germplasm utilization, crossing techniques as well as seed processing and management. Another section of the questionnaire requested information on important commercial varieties grown and their genealogy (Ref. B 2, Ramdoyal et al., this workshop). Responses were obtained from only ten countries including Mauritius. The information supplied by each country is presented in tabular form.
Descriptors - English (DE)SUGARCANE
Descriptors - Geographic (DG)MAURITIUS
Sort Key 1(K1)Cane breeding and genetics
Sort Key 2 (K2)Breeding: crossing
Date record entered (DA)1998-06-30
Language of analysis (LA)En
Location (LO)LIB
Processing status (PS)CAT