Selection of parents for ripening behaviour using agro-physiological parameters
Code (CO)MSI99P3069
Author (AU)Cheeroo-Nayamuth, B. F.
Nayamuth, A. R.
Title - English (ET)Selection of parents for ripening behaviour using agro-physiological parameters
Thesis-Parent title (TH)Abstracts - 4th ISSCT Breeding and Germplasm Workshop: efficiency of sugr cane breeding, 18-22 May 1988, Hotel Coralia Mont Choisy, Mauritius
Document Type(DT)book chapter
Date of publication (DP)1998
Source (SO)p. 49
Publisher (PB)Réduit: Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute
Notes (NO)Poster. Abstract only
Language of text (LT)En
Language of summaries (LS)En
Abstract (AB)An efficient breeding programme starts with the judicious use of parents during crossing. Parent varieties need to be characterized on the basis of genetic potential and not on the phenotypic expression of the character that can be very misleading because of environmental effects. In the case of ripening ability, the phenotypic expression does not necessarily ref1ect genetic potential when the categorization is based on sucrose content on a fresh weight basis at harvest only. Basic agro-physiological studies can help to differentiate between phenotypic expression and genetic potential to enable a better choice of parents for crop improvement programmes. The growth, development and productivity of six commercial varieties classified as either early or late ripeners were followed in plant cane and 1st ratoon crops under two contrasting environments under non-limiting water and nitrogen conditions. The tillering pattern, onset of stalk growth, phytomer production, stalk elongation and canopy characteristics were studied. Concurrently, total dry matter accumulation and its partitioning into the plant parts and their components as well as juice quality characters were followed. Measurement of sucrose content at only one point in time (at harvest) did not necessarily reveal the genetic potential of these varieties even if basic differences existed between the two types. Generally early ripeners had a shorter tillering phase and a lower stalk density in the stable phase. They exhibited an earlier onset of stalk elongation, maintained a sparse. canopy with a lower leaf area index and produced a higher number of shorter phytomers. Early varieties accumulated less dry matter per unit are a but partitioned a higher percentage into cane. They also diverted a higher amount of cane dry matter into sucrose and started their accumulation earlier than late varieties. Throughout the crop cycle, early types maintained a lower amount of reducing sugars (RS) and reducing sugars to sucrose ratios. The categorization of parents should be done early in the season at the age of about 30 weeks. The most reliable parameters to be adopted are stalk population, stalk height, number of phytomers, canopy characteristics, juice quality characters such as RS and sucrose contents and their ratios.
Descriptors - English (DE)SUGARCANE
Descriptors - Geographic (DG)MAURITIUS
Sort Key 1(K1)Cane breeding and genetics
Sort Key 2 (K2)Selection: policies and methods
Date record entered (DA)1998-06-30
Language of analysis (LA)En
Location (LO)LIB
Processing status (PS)cat