Breeding a sugar cane variety resistant to drought
Code (CO)MSI04P4092
Author (AU)Autrey, L. J. C.
Title - English (ET)Breeding a sugar cane variety resistant to drought
Thesis-Parent title (TH)Mauritius Chamber of Agriculture. Symposium Agriculture, 29-31 octobre 2003 + Rétrospective historique de l'agriculture mauricienne. CD-ROM + DVD-PAL.
Document Type(DT)Book chapter
Date of publication (DP)2004
Publisher (PB)Port Louis: Mauritius Chamber of Agriculture
Language of text (LT)Fr
Language of summaries (LS)En
Abstract (AB)The genetic improvement of sugar cane is one of the main research thrusts at MSIRI. At the beginning, the breeding program was aimed at developing varieties having a wide adaptability. However, it became increasingly evident that a policy aimed at targeting specific environments should be adopted to further increase productivity. In this context about 28 840 ha of cane lands are situated in the subhumid region of the low lands with annual rainfall of less than 1500 mm. In these areas, the duration of moisture deficit is generally six or more months annually and irrigation is needed for profitable sugar cane production. Nearly 51 per cent of cane lands in this area is grown under rainfed condition although an additional 2 800 ha (10 per cent) has been earmarked for irrigation when the Midlands Dam becomes fully operational. In addition rainfall has decreased in the North over the last forty years. On the basis of the above considerations, a site-specific breeding programme was established in 1988, with an additional 20 000 seedlings being produced for evaluation in the North of the island. This programme is based on a judicious choice of parents supported by knowledge accumulated through research on the genetics of characters particularly on the ones likely to be associated with drought tolerance. It also utilises reliable prediction statistics to evaluate the best crosses early in the programme. Recourse to an IT support system enables the screening of parents on pre-defined search criteria such as adaptation to the subhumid areas and resistance to diseases such as gumming, smut and leaf scald. This programme has culminated in the selection and release of M 1176/77, a variety which tolerates drought conditions and which has been invaluable during the severe drought prevailing in 1999. It is a high tillering variety of medium diameter, endowed with a very good ratooning capacity. It has been readily adopted by planters and already occupies 10 per cent of the cane area, six years only after it has been released. It is cultivated for harvesting at mid-season mostly in the dry region where it is gradually replacing R 570. It is contributing not only towards an increase in productivity but is also ensuring more stability to cane production in this zone. The site-specific programme described additionally enables development of varieties, which could be of interest within the framework of delocalisation of the sugar cane industry towards Africa.
Descriptors - English (DE)Sugarcane
Genetic improvement
Cane breeding
Drought tolerance
Variety M 1176/77
Descriptors - Geographic (DG)Mauritius
Sort Key 1(K1)Environment management
Sort Key 2 (K2)Agrochemicals movement
Date record entered (DA)2004-09-13
Language of analysis (LA)En
Location (LO)LIB
Processing status (PS)Cat