Mapping of sugarcane variety M 134/75 using EST-SSR markers
Code (CO)MSI10P4464
Author (AU)Parmessur, Y.
Aljanabi, S.
Dookun-Saumtally, A.
Title - English (ET)Mapping of sugarcane variety M 134/75 using EST-SSR markers
Document Type(DT)periodical article
Date of publication (DP)2010
Series (SE)Proc. int. Soc. Sug. Cane Technol.
Source (SO)27: 10. p.
Language of text (LT)En
Language of summaries (LS)En
Abstract (AB)The construction of sugarcane linkage maps has been largely limited to the use of non-genic marker systems like AFLP and genomic SSRs. Moreover, map comparison among the Saccharum genus has been hampered by the lack of common markers. In this study, an AFLP- and genomic SSR-based linkage map of sugarcane variety M 134/75 consisting of 95 linkage groups (LGs) was enhanced with genic marker systems in order to further dissect the sugarcane genome and to enable intra- and inter-species genome comparisons. The ultimate aim of this project is to identify markers linked to the yellow spot disease resistance QTL and their introgression into sugarcane marker assisted breeding. The mapping parents M 134/75 and R 570 were screened with 25 sugarcane and 425 sorghum EST-SSR primers. On average, 1.5 polymorphic bands were detected for M 134/75 with sugarcane EST-SSR primers. Two hundred and ninety-one sorghum EST-SSR primers were found polymorphic for the mapping parent M 134/75, with an average of 2.6 polymorphisms per primer. The progeny population of 226 individuals was screened with five sugarcane and 37 sorghum EST-SSR primers. One hundred and two single dose coding markers were combined with 985 available non-coding markers and analysed by GMendel to produce a partial map of M 134/75 containing 143 linkage groups (LGs). This enabled integration of 58 sorghum EST-SSR markers into 26 LGs. Based on common SSRs, LGs were grouped into ten homologous groups (HGs), among which four contained sorghum EST-SSRs. LG 68 containing the yellow spot resistance QTL was equated to HG VIII and was enhanced by three sorghum markers. Comparative mapping will be exploited to fine-map the yellow spot disease resistance QTL
Descriptors - English (DE)sugarcane
linkage map
yellow spot disease
variety M 134/75
disease resistance
Descriptors - Geographic (DG)Mauritius
Sort Key 1(K1)Cane breeding and genetics
Sort Key 2 (K2)Genetic techniques and protocols
Date record entered (DA)2010-03-17
Language of analysis (LA)EN
Location (LO)LIB
Processing status (PS)CAT
MSIRI Staff (MS)Biotech