DNA barcoding as a tool for sugar cane armyworms identification
Code (CO)MSI11P4577
Author (AU)Joomun, N
Dookun-Saumtally, A
Ganeshan, S
Title - English (ET)DNA barcoding as a tool for sugar cane armyworms identification
Thesis-Parent title (TH)[Programme and Abstracts] ISSCT 8th Entomology Workshop: Recent advances and new challenges for sugar cane pest management, Mauritius, 28 March-1 April 2011
Meeting (MT)ISSCT 8th Entomology Workshop: Recent advances and new challenges for sugar cane pest management, Mauritius, 28 March-1 April 2011
Document Type(DT)book chapter
Date of publication (DP)2011
Source (SO)[1 p.]
Notes (NO)Abstract only
Language of text (LT)En
Language of summaries (LS)En
Abstract (AB)DNA barcoding is fast establishing as an important aid to traditional identification for insects using morphological characters. A short standardised region at the 5' end of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene is used for this purpose given the polymorphism occurring in that site. This technique has been applied for accurate identification of the six sugar cane armyworm species described in Mauritius, namely Mythimna pseudoloreyi, M. loreyi, M. insulicola, M. phaea, M. tincta, and M. pyrausta. DNA was extracted from adult moths and primer pair HCO2198/LCO1490 was used to amplify a 710 bp region of the COI gene. Digestion using a combination of enzymes (RsaI, TaqI, SacI, DraI and PvuII) enabled the distinction of all six species. These barcodes were cloned and sequenced and sequences deposited in Genbank. The lowest sequence divergence (2.3 per cent) was observed between M. pseudoloreyi and M. loreyi, but in general, the divergence value amongst the species varied between 6.8 and 11.0 per cent. These values are consistent with classification as distinct species. Further analysis using the barcode of life datasets provided evidence of high homologies with other species within the Mythimna/Leucania complex (e.g. 100 per cent homology between M. pseudoloreyi and M. curvula, 99.85 per cent homology between M. insulicola and Leucania striata and 99.85 per cent homology between M. loreyi and L. stenographa). This study would be helpful in clarifying the taxonomic placement of sugar cane armyworms from Mauritius within the Mythimna/Leucania complex.
Descriptors - English (DE)sugarcane
Mythimna pseudoloreyi
Mythimna loreyi
Mythimna insulicola
Mythimna phaea
Mythimna tincta
Mythimna pyrausta
DNA barcoding
Descriptors - Geographic (DG)Mauritius
Sort Key 1(K1)Sugarcane: Pests, pest control and management
Sort Key 2 (K2)Armyworms, Mythimna
Date record entered (DA)2011-09-12
Language of analysis (LA)En
Location (LO)LIB
Processing status (PS)CAT