Strategies for promoting new sugar cane varieties
Code (CO)MSI99P3230
Author (AU)Payandi Pillay, K
Travailleur, C.
Ferré, P.
Gooljar, A.
Gauthier, J.
Title - English (ET)Strategies for promoting new sugar cane varieties
Document Type(DT)Periodical article
Date of publication (DP)1998
Series (SE)Revue agric. sucr. Ile Maurice 77(2/3):35-41
Notes (NO)Published 1999
Language of text (LT)En
Language of summaries (LS)En
Abstract (AB)The main objectives of the Mauritian sugar industry is to maintain the sugar production levels through reduced production costs. One way of increasing productivity is to adopt higher yielding sugar cane varieties. The role of extension in this sphere is becoming increasingly important, as it has been shown that adoption rates vary with categories of growers. Apart from using the conventional means of technology transfer, emphasis is also laid on the use of Information Technology (IT) and other modern communication techniques to provide relevant information to sugar cane growers to help them in their decision-making process. This paper highlights the develo0ment and use of these modern communication methods. SIRItell, a computerized information system providing ready access to information on recommended sugarcane varieties and enabling specific variety recommendations (according to soil type, rainfall, harvesting period, cane and sugar yields) is discussed. The development of pictorial recommendation sheets, using GIS tools, and their access through MSIRI web site on the Internet, is also mentioned. Finally, an evaluation exercise is proposed, to assess the impact of these methods on the adoption of new varieties by the various producer groups.
Descriptors - English (DE)SUGARCANE
Descriptors - Geographic (DG)MAURITIUS
Date record entered (DA)1999-09-20
Language of analysis (LA)En
Affiliation (AF)MSIRI
MSIRI Staff (MS)extn