Sugar cane hybridization procedures and computer-aided crossing at the Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute
Code (CO)MSI99P3271
Author (AU)Ramdoyal, K.
Mamet, L. D.
Rivet, G.
Badaloo, G.
Domaingue, R.
Title - English (ET)Sugar cane hybridization procedures and computer-aided crossing at the Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute
Document Type(DT)Periodical article
Date of publication (DP)1999
Series (SE)Sug. Cane Int.
Source (SO)Sept. 99: 5-10
Language of text (LT)En
Language of summaries (LS)Es
Abstract (AB)Breeding procedures and philosophies at the MSIRI are highlighted in the perspective of the development of a new customised IT system for directed crosses for sugar cane. This development is based upon a cohesive system of relational databases which are interlinked with breeding and selection activities. It has been specially developed to plan crosses based on actual flower surveys although the preplanning of crosses can still be envisaged from historical data on flowering. Crossing philosophies are based on inherent parental characteristics and also on combining abilities. A suite of programmes has been written to assist breeders in their choice of parents relevant to breeding objectives and philosophies. This IT system has contributed to an overall increase in efficiency in the planning of crosses and has replaced the tedious manual sorting of crosses. Future developments aim at integrating the maximum amount of information on the status of proposed crosses from past and present crossing and selection records through the real time analysis concept.
Descriptors - English (DE)SUGARCANE
Descriptors - Geographic (DG)MAURITIUS
Sort Key 1(K1)Cane breeding and genetics
Sort Key 2 (K2)Crossing
Date record entered (DA)1999-11-10
Language of analysis (LA)En
Processing status (PS)LIST