Use of waste stabilization pond systems for treatment of cane sugar factory wastewaters in Mauritius
Code (CO)MSI99P2053
Author (AU)Chengebroyen, S.
Organisation (OR)University of Mauritius, Faculty of Engineering, Réduit, MU
Title - English (ET)Use of waste stabilization pond systems for treatment of cane sugar factory wastewaters in Mauritius
Thesis-Parent title (TH)Project, B.Tech (Hons), Sugar Engineering
Document Type(DT)Thesis
Date of publication (DP)1995
Source (SO)92 p.: 25 tbls, 15 figs, 8 appen
Language of text (LT)En
Language of summaries (LS)En
Abstract (AB)A review of sugar mill wastewater management technologies in Mauritius showed that Waste Stabilization Pond (WSP) systems were the only treatment method available at a few factories. However no operational data and guidance of the design and performance of existing WSP are available in the literature. Hence, the need to assess the performance of the WSP systems at two factories, namely Belle Vue and Mon Loisir, was undertaken during the 1994 crop season. Analytical determinations and flow measurements were used to calculate the average organic loading rates and removal efficiencies of each unit, embodied in the WSP systems. This report essentially presents average values of the monitored parameters for the various sampling periods. The loading rates and removal efficiencies of the various treatment units have been analysed. The study showed that the WSP systems were operating at loading rates well above those recommended for the design of anaerobic ponds. Moreover, the systems were also subjected to inadequate buffering capacity. Consequently, the microbial anaerobic degradation process was hindered and removal of organic matter was being achieved mainly by sedimentation. In the light of the future promulgation of standards for effluent discharge by the Department of Environment, sugar factories are in search of an appropriate wastewater treatment technology. A WSP system has been designed to treat the effluents of a 175 TCH model factory. Empirical design equations available in the literature were used for calculation purposes. For a system operating at recommended loading rates and optimum conditions, a BOD5 reduction of 95 per cent could be achieved. The land requirement was calculated to be 2.14 ha. A preliminary study on the appropriateness of the WSP system for treatment of sugar mill effluents is also presented.
Descriptors - English (DE)SUGAR FACTORY WASTES
Descriptors - Geographic (DG)MAURITIUS
Sort Key 1(K1)Cane Sugar Manufacture
Date record entered (DA)1995-12-12
Language of analysis (LA)En