Irrigating sugarcane at varying doses and frequencies: effects on yield and moisture
Code (CO)MSI99P3247
Author (AU)Ng Cheong, R.
Ah Koon, D.
Muthy, K.
Title - English (ET)Irrigating sugarcane at varying doses and frequencies: effects on yield and moisture
Thesis-Parent title (TH)Lalouette, J. A., Bachraz, D. Y., and Sukurdeep, N. (eds), Proceedings of the fourth Annual Meeting of Agricultural Scientists, Boname Hall, MSIRI, Réduit, Mauritius, 21-22 October 1999.
Document Type(DT)book chapter
Date of publication (DP)2001
Source (SO)p. 153-158
Publisher (PB)Réduit: Food and Agricultural Research Council (FARC)
Language of text (LT)En
Abstract (AB)Overhead irrigation is the most important system in Mauritius, representing more than 80 per cent of irrigated land for miller-planters in 1997. The effects of irrigation dose and frequency on cane and sugar yields using a solid-set sprinkler system were assessed at Tamarin section, Médine S.E. over seven harvest seasons. Higher irrigation doses led to significantly higher cane and sugar yields. Cane yield increments per unit of water applied (compared to rain fed treatment) amounted to 0.090, 0.094, 0.083 and 0.082 t ha-1 mm-1 for 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 ETc treatments respectively, equivalent to a productivity of 0.112, 0.117, 0.104 and 0.102 t ha-1 mm-1 of water evapotranspired for an irrigation efficiency of 80 per cent. Productivity of irrigation was thus higher than the average productivity of 0.097 t ha-1 mm-1 of water evapotranspired derived for a group of sugar-producing countries and the 0.5 ETc treatment had a productivity close to the maximum value of 0.123 t ha-1 mm-1. Furthermore, there was no difference in cane or sugar yields between weekly and fortnightly irrigation, even though more water was consistently applied with weekly irrigation. The most efficient use of irrigation water in the relatively deep soils of Tamarin would thus be attained with 0.5 ETc irrigation at fortnightly interval.
Descriptors - English (DE)SUGARCANE
Descriptors - Geographic (DG)MAURITIUS
Sort Key 1(K1)Sugarcane: Water use and management
Sort Key 2 (K2)Irrigation: Sprinkler irrigation
Date record entered (DA)1999-10-14
Language of analysis (LA)En
Affiliation (AF)MSIRI
Processing status (PS)cat