Influence of nitrogen fertiliser and varieties on plant water relations in potatoes
Code (CO)MSI99P0014
Author (AU)Wong Yen Cheong, K.
Organisation (OR)University of Reading, Department of Agricultural Botany, Reading, GB
Title - English (ET)Influence of nitrogen fertiliser and varieties on plant water relations in potatoes
Thesis-Parent title (TH)Thesis, M.Sc.
Document Type(DT)Thesis
Date of publication (DP)1988
Source (SO)80 p.: 27 figs., 4 tbls., 2 appen
Language of text (LT)En
Language of summaries (LS)En
Abstract (AB)The objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of using an Ohm's law analogue type model to study the influence of N application and varieties on crop water relations. Field measurements were found to be highly influenced by environmental conditions. The environmental factors influencing stomatal conductance were highly correlated. A function was produced to relate stomatal conductance to irradiance, saturation deficit and leaf water potential. The main effect of nitrogen was to increase the evaporative demand by increasing the size of the canopy. Higher rates of evaporation at high N levels did not increase leaf water stress because plants in high nitrogen had a larger root system. Varieties differed in their leaf water status. In similar environmental conditions, Cara had a higher leaf water potential than Wilja. As differences in transpiration rates between the two varieties were not evident, it was deduced that Cara had a lower plant resistance. The low plant resistance in Cara was highly correlated with a higher root length density.
Descriptors - English (DE)POTATOES
Descriptors - Geographic (DG)MAURITIUS
Sort Key 1(K1)Potatoes: physiology
Sort Key 2 (K2)Plant water relations
Call Number (CN)633.491 7
Date record entered (DA)1991-10-07
Language of analysis (LA)En
Affiliation (AF)Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute
Location (LO)LIB
Processing status (PS)CAT
Number of copies (NC)1