Potential yield of potato in Mauritius and suggestions to increase yields
Code (CO)MSI99P0077
Author (AU)Govinden, N.
Wustman, R.
Title - English (ET)Potential yield of potato in Mauritius and suggestions to increase yields
Thesis-Parent title (TH)Govinden, N., Julien, M. H. R., Hunt, G. L. T. Autrey, L. J. C. (eds)., Production, Post-harvest technology and utilization of potato in the warm tropics - Proceedings of a workshop held in Réduit, Mauritius, 23-27 July 1990
Document Type(DT)Book chapter
Date of publication (DP)1991
Source (SO)p.68-75
Publisher (PB)Réduit, Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute, MU
Language of text (LT)En
Language of summaries (LS)En
Abstract (AB)A method based on canopy photosynthesis and ground cover developed and tested successfully in the Netherlands and reported by various authors was used to estimate the potential yield of potato in Mauritius located 20 °C latitude. Potential yield varied from 46 t/ha for a crop planted in May (1st season) to 61 t/ha for a 2nd season crop planted in August. The weighted mean for the year was 56 t/ha. In view of the maximum yields recorded, the potential yield of the 1st season appears realistic whereas that of the 2nd season appears slightly inflated. A correction for the effect of higher temperatures in the 2nd season would probably have been necessary. The calculation of potential yield under different hypothetical situations indicated clearly the importance of developing a complete canopy fast and of maintaining it for as long as possible. The actual or national average potato yield was estimated at 22 t/ha equivalent to 40 per cent of the potential yield. Measures to bridge this yield gap include improvements in the supply of irrigation and in growers' management practices. These are briefly discussed in relation to the need for good canopy development and duration. The attainable yield, that is the production level achieved by the best growers was estimated at 37 t/ha equivalent to 66 per cent of the potential yield. It is suggested that the use of varieties which initiate tuberization and /or which mature later may increase tha attainable yield.
Descriptors - English (DE)POTATOES
Descriptors - Geographic (DG)MAURITIUS
Sort Key 1(K1)Potatoes
Sort Key 2 (K2)Yield physiology
Date record entered (DA)1991-12-11
Language of analysis (LA)En
Affiliation (AF)Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute and Agrotechnological Research Institute, Réduit and Wageningen
Location (LO)LIB
Processing status (PS)CAT