Phytoplasmas infecting sugarcane
Code (CO)MSI08P4290
Author (AU)Dookun-Saumtally, A
Saumtally, S
Parmessur, Y
Joomun, N
Aljanabi, S
Title - English (ET)Phytoplasmas infecting sugarcane
Thesis-Parent title (TH)Harrison, N. A., Rao, G. P., Marcone, C., Characterization, diagnosis and management of phytoplasmas
Document Type(DT)book chapter
Date of publication (DP)2008
Source (SO)p. 275-291
ISBN (BN)1-933699-30-2
Publisher (PB)Houston, Studium Press, LLC
Language of text (LT)En
Language of summaries (LS)En
Abstract (AB)Phytoplasmas are associated with plant yellows diseases in several hundred crop species. They are transmitted by insect vectors, and through vegetative propagation of tubers, cuttings, bulbs and rhizomes. They cannot be cultured in vitro, thus their diagnosis and characterization was hindered for a long time. A number of diagnostic tests including monoclonal antibodies, DNA probes, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) are currently available and are more precise for their identification and characterization. In sugar cane, five diseases have been associated with phytoplasmas. These consist of white leaf, leaf yellows, grassy shoot, green grassy shoot and Ramu stunt. In this chapter, the phytoplasma diseases affecting sugar cane are described, along with methods for their identification and management
Descriptors - English (DE)sugarcane
white leaf
grassy shoot
leaf yellows
green grassy shoot
Ramu stunt
disease control
insect vectors
Sort Key 1(K1)Sugarcane: Diseases and disease management
Sort Key 2 (K2)Phytoplasmas
Date record entered (DA)2008-01-16
Language of analysis (LA)En
Location (LO)LIB
Processing status (PS)CAT
MSIRI Staff (MS)Path